The Elm Grove Junior Guild Memorial Day Parade will be held Memorial Day at 10:30 am.
This year’s honored Grand Marshal is TBD,
Parade Acts – Please refer to the Parade Participation Guide for guidelines and drop off details.
Spectators – In the interest of public safety, parade spectators shall refrain from obstructing or attempting to reserve any public right of way area (e.g. sidewalks, curb areas, medians) by placing chairs, blankets, tape, rope, tents, or any other item along the parade route before 6:00 AM the morning of the parade. Any items placed prior to this time may be removed. Thank you!
Weather – The parade has been cancelled only twice in its history due to weather. If in doubt, please listen to WLDB B93.3 for information on cancellation.
Please direct any additional questions to: memorialday@elmgrovejuniorguild.org
In 1947, a unit marched from the Legion to the flag at St. Mary’s for the first Memorial Day Flag Ceremony. The children from the area followed on their bikes. The following year, the Legion held another ceremony at the cemetery on Highland Drive, and again the children joined in on their bikes. The ceremony returned to St. Mary’s in 1949, and in 1950 the Legion decided to not only hold the parade, but offer festivities for the children. Though the Post has moved, the tradition that the American Legion began so many years ago continues today as a cornerstone event in our community.